Star Fox Adventures OST


This is the most complete and highest quality Star Fox Adventures OST available, featuring 119 songs, jingles, and ambient tracks. Originally recorded and released by Mr. Krystal on Starfox-Online, it has now been re-released with additional notes at


This OST was created by playing through the entire game, while making notes and recordings as each new, unique song or jingle was encountered.

The recordings were done via a capture device from an actual Nintendo Wii game system, using the highest settings available. This means that the audio probably suffers some slight degradation due to the analog transmission between the Wii and the capture device. A handful of jingles were ripped directly from the game due to how they were encoded.

In the future, a fully ripped OST may be possible. This might also reveal additional tracks.


Songs were edited allow the song to loop fully twice, before fading out. Jingles only played once. Some ambient tracks which had no apparent looping point were simply allowed to play for a time roughly equivalent to two loops' worth.

All tracks were encoded as MP3s at 192kbps.


Star Fox Adventures, due to its unique development history, represents a particularly difficult OST to fully represent. For example:

Publishing Information


Full Download

Download all 119 tracks as a single, compressed file (514MB). Decompress with 7-Zip (Windows) or The Unarchiver (Mac OS).

Individual Tracks

# Title Sound Test # Locations Notes
1 Title Screen Movie Intro video at title screen Has some SFX.
2 Great Fox and Pause Screen 30 Great Fox and Pause Screen
3 General Scales' Galleon Fight 45 General Scales' Galleon Fight
4 Krazoa Palace Base Theme 12 Outside Krazoa Palace and Cape Claw Krazoa Rooms
5 Inside Krazoa Palace 91 Inside Krazoa Palace
6 In the Presence of a Krazoa Spirit 55 Any time the character talks to a Krazoa
7 Krazoa Shrine 13 Krazoa Shrine
8 Obtained a Krazoa Spirit 56 Obtained a Krazoa Spirit
9 ThornTail Hollow Day 77 ThornTail Hollow Day
10 ThornTail Hollow Night 88 ThornTail Hollow Night
11 ThornTail Hollow Vocals Theme 59 ThornTail Hollow for the last half of the game or so
12 ThornTail Shop 23 ThornTail Shop in ThornTail Hollow
13 ThornTail Hollow Well 62 ThornTail Hollow Well
14 They're Stealing My Eggs! 42 The event where the mother ThornTail has her eggs almost stolen
15 SnowHorn Wastes 51 SnowHorn Wastes
16 DarkIce Mines Landing Pad 11 DarkIce Mines Landing Pad
17 DarkIce Mines Day 34 DarkIce Mines Day (Above Ground)
18 DarkIce Mines Night 36 DarkIce Mines Night (Above Ground)
19 DarkIce Mines Suface Caves 05 Small surface caves in the DarkIce Mines
20 Riding a SnowHorn 58 Riding a SnowHorn
21 DarkIce Mines Waterfall 33 DarkIce Mines Waterfall
22 DarkIce Mines Leap of Faith 53 DarkIce Mines Leap of Faith
23 DarkIce Mines Underground 35 DarkIce Mines (Underground)
24 Boss Galdon 32 Boss Galdon
25 Moon Mountain Pass 61 Moon Mountain Pass Sound Test #1 is a duplicate that also contains the ambience, which is why it wasn't included.
26 Volcano Force Point Temple 90 Volcano Force Point Temple
27 Cape Claw Day 04 Cape Claw Day
28 Cape Claw Gas Puzzle 98 Cape Claw Gas Puzzle
29 Ocean Force Point Temple 15 Ocean Force Point Temple
30 Outside CloudRunner Fortress 07 Outside CloudRunner Fortress
31 CloudRunner Fortress Spiral Pathway 08 CloudRunner Fortress Spiral Pathway
32 CloudRunner Fortress 29 CloudRunner Fortress
33 CloudRunner Fortress Prison 27 CloudRunner Fortress Prison
34 CloudRunner Fortress Air Dock 17 CloudRunner Fortress Air Dock
35 CloudRunner Fortress Treasure Rooms 10 CloudRunner Fortress Treasure Rooms
36 LightFoot Village and Walled City Day 14 LightFoot Village Day and Walled City Day
37 LightFoot Tracking Test 57 LightFoot Tracking Test
38 LightFoot Test of Strength 95 LightFoot Test Of Strength
39 RedEyes' and Dragon Rock Enemies' Attacks 96 RedEye attacking and Dragon Rock Enemy attacking
40 Walled City Pyramid Puzzle 97 Walled City Pyramid Puzzle
41 Entrance to King's Chambers 99 Entrance to King's Chambers in Walled City
42 King RedEye Passive and SharpClaws Upsetting the Peace 85 SharpClaws upsetting the peace (ThornTail Hollow and Cape Claw) and King RedEye before first hit
43 King RedEye Angry 86 King RedEye after first hit
44 King RedEye Down 87 King RedEye during hit
45 Dragon Rock 44 Dragon Rock
46 Boss Drakor and Bloop Attack 21 Bloop Attack (ThornTail Hollow) and Boss Drakor
47 Andross Battle 02 Andross final battle
48 Credits Game Credits
49 Krazoa Test 1: The Test of Observation 83 Krazoa Test 1: The Test of Observation
50 Krazoa Test 4: The Test of Strength 84 Krazoa Test 4: The Test of Strength
51 Krazoa Test 5: The Test of Knowledge 81 Krazoa Test 5: The Test of Knowledge
52 Krazoa Test 6: General Scales 79 Krazoa Test 6: General Scales
53 Unused Krazoa Test 1 80 UNUSED
54 Unused Krazoa Test 2 82 UNUSED
55 Magic Caves, Warp Pad Rooms, and CloudRunner Fortress Power Room 92 Magic Caves, Warp Pad Rooms, and CloudRunner Fortress Power Room
56 Select Destination 74 Arwing pre-flight in orbit
57 Arwing Flight and Dragon Rock Defenses 75 Arwing Flight Sequences, Dragon Rock HighTop Defense, and Dragon Rock CloudRunner Defense
58 Fighting 06 Fighting SharpClaws and possibly other enemies
59 Jetbike 63 Jetbike racing
60 Conveyer Belts and Puzzles 37 DarkIce Mines Conveyer Belt, CloudRunner Fortress Entrance Puzzle, Walled City River Puzzle, SnowHorn Challenge, Walled City Sun Temple Maze
61 Rolling Barrels, Torture, and EarthWalker Riding 19 Rolling Barrels, LightFoot Capital Punishment, Dragon Rock Riding EarthWalker
62 Unused Star Fox Theme 66 UNUSED
63 Unused Area 6 Remix 73 UNUSED
64 Unused Song 1 09 UNUSED
65 Unused Song 2 28 UNUSED
66 Unused Song 3 39 UNUSED
67 Unused Song 4 40 UNUSED
68 Unused Song 5 41 UNUSED
69 Unused Song 6 43 UNUSED. Original errors remain.
70 Unused Song 7 46 UNUSED
71 Unused Song 8 50 UNUSED
72 Unused Song 9 72 UNUSED. Shortened version of Sound Test #19.
73 Unused Song 10 26 UNUSED. The version found in Sound Test #26 has some ambience that doesn't actually appear in the game, but is similar to the Magic Cave song.
74 Item Obtained 68 Any time a new item is obtained
75 Opened Chest 69 Every time a chest is opened
76 Upgrade Staff Every staff upgrade Has some SFX
77 Teleporting 78 The de- and re-materializing process of teleportation
78 Mid-Teleport Played during some teleports: WarpStone and Krazoa Head This song was actually part of the SFX track.
79 Arwing Intro Intro to Arwing stages Has some SFX. Obtained by ripping source.
80 Arwing Crash 03 When the Arwing crashes
81 Lose a Life Loss of life due to no remaining health
82 Revived Revived from death with a BafomDad
83 Possessed by a Krazoa Spirit Cutscene when Krazoa enters character
84 Releasing a Krazoa Spirit 54 Release Krazoa Spirit into the Krazoa Palace
85 Krystal is Trapped Cutscene when Krystal gets caught in the crystal structure.
86 Entering Magic Cave Entering Magic Caves (Staff Upgrade Caves)
87 Exiting Magic Cave Exiting Magic Caves (Staff Upgrade Caves)
88 Placing a SpellStone Placing a SpellStone back in the Force Point
89 Placing the Final SpellStone The first part of the music played when placing the final SpellStone in the Force Point
90 Play SnowHorn Flute Calling a SnowHorn and activating points during the SnowHorn Challenge
91 Play CloudRunner Flute Calling the CloudRunner Queen's children The audio found in the source is higher pitched.
92 Caged Queen Cutscene Cutscene when first entering Cape Claw
93 Ocean Force Point Temple Flame Puzzles Cutscene showing the Ocean Force Point Temple Flame Puzzle's components
94 Ocean Force Point Temple Path Revealed Cutscene revealing a path in the Ocean Force Point Temple
95 Krazoa Test: Test of Fear Krazoa Test: Test of Fear Cutscene
96 Cheat Token Well Dropping cheat token into well cutscene audio.
97 Unused Event 1 67 Unknown Event, very similar to the music from the cutscene where Fox obtains Krystal's staff UNUSED
98 Heavy Rain, Windy Thunderstorm Ambience 47 Outside General Scales' Galleon and Krazoa Palace Outside
99 Unused Heavy Wind and Thunderstorm Ambience 48 UNUSED. Very similar to Sound Test #47.
100 Inside General Scales' Galleon Ambience 52 Inside General Scales' Galleon
101 Unused Rainy Thunderstorm Ambience 64 UNUSED
102 Rain in ThornTail Hollow Ambience 100 ThornTail Hollow when raining
103 Ice Mountain Ambience 18 Ice Mountain
104 Unused Windy with Distant Bird Calls Ambience 94 UNUSED
105 Strong Wind Ambience 20 DarkIce Mines Blizzards and Wind Lifts
106 Night Critters and Crickets Ambience 65 ThornTail Hollow Ambience 2, LightFoot Village Night, Walled City Night, and Area between ThornTail Hollow and LightFoot Village Night
107 Dragon Rock Ambience 76 Dragon Rock Almost identical to Sound Test #65 with the exception of the Dino calls.
108 Bird Chirps and Dino Calls Ambience 70 ThornTail Hollow Day, Walled City Day, and Outside and Inside CloudRunner Fortress There may be a version of this without the dino calls and mosquitos.
109 Bird Chirp Ambience 93 Moon Mountain Pass near Thorntail Hollow, Area Between ThornTail Hollow and LightFoot Village Day, and LightFoot Village Day
110 High Altitude Critter Ambience 71 Ice Mountain, SnowHorn Wastes Night, and DarkIce Mines Day and Night Has some of the previous song in the intro, sorry about that.
111 Unused Ocean Waves Ambience 25 UNUSED
112 Waves and Crickets Ambience 22 Cape Claw ambience during day and Cape Claw at night
113 Cape Claw Cave Ambience 24 Cape Claw wet cave, behind the canon
114 Underwater Drips Ambience 89 Ocean Force Point Temple and heard very briefly in Cape Claw's Krazoa Rooms
115 Cave Ambience 38 SnowHorn Wastes Drainage Cave, WarpStone Maze, Cave Between LightFoot and Cape Claw, Cave Under LightFoot Village, Walled City Sun and Moon Temples, and possibly other caves
116 Bubbling Ambience 16 Whenever there is lava present and inside Boss Galdon's Stomach
117 CloudRunner Fortress Prison Ambience 31 CloudRunner Fortress Prison
118 Great Fox Ambience 49 Title Screen
119 DarkIce Mines Underground Ambience 60 DarkIce Mines Underground

Creation Notes

Show detailed notes on the recording process by clicking the Show Notes button below.

Songs in the Order They Appeared In-Game
30 - Great Fox (49) / Pause Screen
49 - Great Fox Ambience
47 - General Scales' Galleon (Outside) / Krazoa Palace (Outside Ambience)
45 - General Scales' Galleon Fight
52 - General Scales' Galleon (Inside)
68 - Item Obtained
12 - Outside Krazoa Palace / Cape Claw Krazoa Rooms (24)
death.wav - Lost Life
revive.wav - Life Revived
91 - Inside Krazoa Palace
92 - Warp Pad Rooms / CloudRunner Fortress Power Room
78 - Teleport
13 - Krazoa Shrine
55 - In the Presence of a Krazoa Spirit
krazoaEnterBody.aiff - Krazoa Possession
56 - Obtained a Krazoa Spirit
83 - Krazoa Test: The Test of Observation
74 - Select Destination (Arwing Pre-Flight)
arwing-intro.wav - Arwing Intro
75 - Arwing Flight Sequences / Dragon Rock HighTop Defense / Dragon Rock CloudRunner Defense
03 - Arwing Crash
77 - ThornTail Hollow Day (70)
70 - ThornTail Hollow Ambience 1
88 - ThornTail Hollow Night (65)
65 - ThornTail Hollow Ambience 2 / LightFoot Village Night / Walled City Night / Area between ThornTail Hollow and LightFoot Village Night
23 - ThornTail Shop
06 - Fighting
staffCaveEnter.wav - Enter Staff Cave
staffCaveExit.wav - Leave Staff Cave
26 - Similar to Staff Upgrade Cave [Rerecorded version]
staff upgrade.wav - Receive Staff Upgrade
59 - ThornTail Hollow Vocals Theme
The Warpstone Warp Effect (Cutscene) [need to record]
18 - Ice Mountain
63 - Jetbike
71 - Ice Mountain Ambience / SnowHorn Wastes Night
16 - Lava Ambience / Boss Galdon's Stomach
51 - SnowHorn Wastes (71)
38 - SnowHorn Wastes Drainage Cave / WarpStone Maze / Cave Between LightFoot and Cape Claw / Cave Under LightFoot Village / Walled City Sun and Moon Temples / Other Caves
85 - SharpClaws Upsetting the Peace (ThornTail Hollow / Cape Claw) / King RedEye Passive
62 - ThornTail Hollow Well (38)
100 - Rain in ThornTail Hollow
11 - DarkIce Mines Landing Pad (16)
34 - DarkIce Mines Day (Above Ground) (71)
36 - DarkIce Mines Night (Above Ground) (71)
05 - DarkIce Mines Surface Caves (38)
69 - Opened Chest
58 - Riding a SnowHorn
snowhornFlute.wav - SnowHorn Flute
20 - Blizzard in DarkIce Mines (Above Ground) / Wind Lifts
53 - DarkIce Mines Leap of Faith
37 - DarkIce Mines Conveyer Belt / CloudRunner Fortress Entrance Puzzle / Walled City River Puzzle / SnowHorn Challenge / Walled City Sun Temple Maze (38)
35 - DarkIce Mines (Underground) (60)
60 - DarkIce Mines Underground Ambience
33 - DarkIce Mines Waterfall
19 - Rolling Barrels / LightFoot Capital Punishment / Dragon Rock Riding EarthWalker
32 - Boss Galdon
61 - Moon Mountain Pass
93 - Moon Mountain Pass Ambience (Near Thorntail Hollow), Area Between ThornTail Hollow and LightFoot Village Day, LightFoot Village Ambience Day
90 - Volcano Force Point Temple
placeSpellstone.aiff - Placing the SpellStone
54 - Place Krazoa Spirit
14 - LightFoot Village Day (93) / Walled City Day (70)
04 - Cape Claw Day (22)
22 - Cape Claw Ambience / Cape Claw Night
capeclaw-queenincage.wav - Queen CloudRunner Imprisoned at Cape Claw
24 - Cape Claw Caves
98 - Cape Claw Gas Puzzle (24)
07 - Outside CloudRunner Fortress (70)
29 - CloudRunner Fortress (70)
08 - CloudRunner Fortress Spiral Pathway
27 - CloudRunner Fortress Prison (31)
31 - CloudRunner Fortress Prison Ambience
17 - CloudRunner Fortress Air Dock
flute.aif - CloudRunner Flute (correct version) [decoded version: cloudrunnerflute.wav]
10 - CloudRunner Fortress Treasure Rooms (38)
89 - Ocean Force Point Temple Ambience (Heard very briefly in Cape Claw's Krazoa Rooms)
15 - Ocean Force Point Temple (89)
oceansucessrecording.aif - Ocean Force Point Puzzle and Ocean Force Point Puzzle Complete
95 - LightFoot Test Of Strength
57 - LightFoot Tracking Test
testoffear.wav - Krazoa Test: The Test of Fear Sequence
42 - They're Stealing My Eggs!
96 - RedEye Attack / Dragon Rock Enemy Attack
97 - Walled City Pyramid Puzzle
99 - Walled City Entrance to King's Chambers
87 - King RedEye Down
86 - King RedEye Angry (After First Attack)
21 - Bloop Attack / Boss Drakor (16)
84 - Krazoa Test: The Test of Strength
44 - Dragon Rock (76)
76 - Dragon Rock Ambience
ofp1180.wav - Place Final Spellstone
81 - Krazoa Test: The Test of Knowledge
79 - Krazoa Test: General Scales
02 - Andross Fight
credits.wav - Credits

Unused Songs List
tth1422.wav - Harp event somewhere in ThornTail Hollow
9 - Dramatic, slightly dark tribal song
25 - Ocean waves
28 - Sounds somewhat like the drum beat played at an execution
39 - Dark, dramatic piano, drums, and trumpet song
40 - Fast paced song with some instruments from the Galleon fight
41 - Downbeat drums and piano song
43 - Tribal drums song
46 - Weird and suspenseful song
48 - High wind, rain in distance ambience. Very similar to 47.
50 - Drum and trumpet upbeat song
64 - Rainy Thunderstorm (no wind), similar to 47 and 48
66 - Star Fox Theme
67 - Some event, like releasing something or opening a doorway. I think it was cutscene audio, which is why I didn't hear it throughout the game.
72 - Shortened 19
73 - Area 6 Remix
80 - Krazoa Test - Not Used (very short)
82 - Krazoa Test - Not Used
94 - Windy, distant bird calls

Sound Effects/Jingles/Cutscenes
68 - Item Obtained
death.wav - Lost Life
revive.wav - Life Revived
78 - Teleport
krazoaEnterBody.aiff - Krazoa Possession
arwing-intro.wav - Arwing Intro
3 - Crash (Arwing Death)
staffCaveEnter.wav - Enter Staff Cave
staffCaveExit.wav - Leave Staff Cave
staff upgrade.wav - Receive Staff Upgrade
teleport2.aiff - WarpStone Warp
69 - Opened Chest
snowhornFlute.wav - SnowHorn Flute
placeSpellstone.aiff - Placing the SpellStone
54 - Place Krazoa Spirit
capeclaw-queenincage.wav - Queen CloudRunner Imprisoned at Cape Claw
flute.aif - CloudRunner Flute (correct version) [decoded version: cloudrunnerflute.wav]
oceansucessrecording.aif - Ocean Force Point Puzzle and Ocean Force Point Puzzle Complete
testoffear.wav - Krazoa Test: The Test of Fear Sequence
All Spellstones Returned.wav - Place Final Spellstone [ripped: ofp1180.wav]
tth1422.wav - Unused audio from ThornTail Hollow

Ambience List
47 - Rain and Wind at same volume, thunder
48 - Rain and Wind but wind is higher volume, thunder
52 - Rain on metal roof, thunder, wind
64 - Lighter rain with long thunder, no wind
100 - Heavy rain

18 - Windy, distant wolf calls
20 - Very Windy (in your face, not just wind around you)
94 - Windy, distant bird calls

65 - Crickets, critter calls, mosquitos
76 - Same as 65 only with distant dino calls
70 - Birds, Woo-wooo-woo-woo, Distant dino calls/goans, monkeys
71 - Jackal call, hawk call, bird chirping, other critters, wing fluttering
93 - All kinds of birds chirping in forest

25 - Ocean waves
22 - Ocean waves, crickets, bird chirps, critter calls
24 - Very wet cave drips, distant ocean waves

38 - Generic cave, drips, bat calls, bat fluttering
89 - Underwater sounds, drips

16 - Lava
31 - Depressing sounds, drips, "craziness sounds", dramatic hits
49 - Low pitch rumbling, electronic beeps
60 - Low machinery sounds, drips, machinery sounds, rail sounds, hammer sounds
61 - Strange ambient calls (Moon Mountain)

Song + Ambience List
1 - Moon Mountain Pass + 70 minus the dino calls
26 - Spirit Cave + Drips (rerecorded without drips)

1 - Creature noises don't loop at the same rate as the rest of the song.
14 - At least one instrument has a slightly longer loop than the rest of the song, resulting in a ditty that changes position slightly further along each loop.
18 - Doesn't appear to loop consistently.
22 - Doesn't appear to loop consistently.
24 - Too ambient to even tell if there is a loop for sure.
31 - Not sure if loops correctly.
38 - No discernible pattern.
60 - No discernible loop
1 = 61, except that 1 has ambient bird sounds
72 is a simpler version of 19
